1. 用量增加︰由於一個人對藥物的耐受性增加,就需要服用更多來達到相同的效果,因此不斷增加用量。
2. 人格改變:精力、心情及注意力轉移至藥品的需求,而日常應負的責任則變成是次要的。
3. 脫離社會:與家人和朋友疏離。
4. 持續使用:一個人想要減輕的醫療狀況已經改善了,仍持續使用止痛藥。
5. 花時間找處方藥品:花很多時間開車到很遠的地方,看許多類型的醫生,為的就是要得到止痛藥。
6. 日常習慣及外貌改變:個人衛生變不好;睡眠及飲食習慣改變;不斷咳嗽、流鼻水,以及雙眼發紅、呆滯無神。
7. 不負責任:不理會家庭事務和開銷;更常向學校、公司打電話請病假。
8. 變得神經質:一般的情景、聲音及情緒變得對此人有明顯的刺激;幻覺。
9. 暫時性失憶及健忘:忘記已發生過的事情和體驗到暫時性失憶。
10. 防禦性:如果服用者覺得自己的秘密正被揭露時,為了要隱瞞自己有藥癮,在回答簡單問題時會變得很生氣、破口大罵。
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Fact Sheet on Prescription Drug Abuse
- “Older Americans fight drug abuse,” 3 Jul 2008, International Herald Tribune
- “Methadone rises as a painkiller with big risks,” 17 Aug 2008, New York Times
- “Nurofen Plus to remain on sale,” 6 Aug 2008
- “Warning on painkillers,” 4 May 2007, Financial Times
- 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- “Depressants,” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and SAMHSA’s National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information
- ABC of drugs, channel4.com
- A Brief History of Opium, opioids.com
- OxyContin Information, National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information
- OxyContin: Prescription Drug Abuse Advisory, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Info Facts: Prescription Pain and Other Medications
- National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report, “Prescription Drugs, Abuse and Addiction 2001”
- “Some Commonly Prescribed Medications: Use and Consequences,” National Institute on Drug Abuse
- National Institute of Justice, Drug and Alcohol Use and Related Matters Among Arrestees, 2003
- U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy, “Drug Facts: OxyContin,” and “Prescription Drug Facts & Figures”
- “New Report Reveals More Than 1000 People Died in Illegal Fentanyl Epidemic of 2005-2007,” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- “Teen OTC & Prescription Drug Abuse,” teenoverthecounterdrugabuse.com